Learn How Tree Injection Can Help Protects Trees

In order to understand how tree injection protects trees, you need to understand a bit about how trees work first.

Like people, trees have a type of cardiovascular system that transports nutrients, water, and vital minerals throughout the entire extent of the tree, from the deepest roots to the highest leaves. This system lies just under the bark and it is this precious network that is often most severely damaged by the impact of pests and disease.

Through specially designed injection systems, foresters can carefully apply a protective solution directly into this vital circulatory system. The tree injection system does not cause damage to the tree, but does insert a protective barrier that can dramatically reduce the impact of pests and disease causing organisms.

And unlike sprays or soil applications that can travel through the air and ground, tree injection systems insert directly into the tree, limiting impact to the surrounding environment. You can keep your trees safe, as well as your family!

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