For many forest landowners, accessing and analyzing inventory data is often difficult and time consuming. If you are working with vital stand and tract data, maps and information that are recorded on paper and stored in filing cabinets, you may be passing up lucrative management opportunities that digital information can provide.
TIGER Web is an online web mapping and forest inventory growth and yield modeling service designed to help manage your forest enterprise. TIGER Web is the client-accessible end to FORECON’s TIGER Growth and Yield Modeling Database Service, putting your forest’s valuable data at the fingertips of the foresters and professionals responsible for its management. Built upon a solid foundation of U.S. Forest Service research, and coupled with the power of Geographic Information Sysytems (GIS) software, the TIGER Web Growth and Yield system is a true, stand-level, single tree growth model built to simulate future conditions in valuable hardwood timber stands.
TIGER Web’s growth and yield modeler uses formulas that actually promote stem diameters while accounting for mortality, rather than some growth models that “grow” existing stands by applying a simple growth percentage to the timber volumes. TIGER Web takes into account the species, diameter, height, mortality prediction and basal area of each unique stem, as well as the overall density of the stand, to extrapolate and predict future forest conditions.
Coupled with GIS, TIGER Web acts as a turnkey centralized repository of all your timber assets. Tiger Web is capable of generating professional looking ad-hoc mapping outputs and a wide variety of reports from the plot level on up to stand, tract, management unit and ownership levels. It is a very powerful tool for the management of your very valuable forest asset.