Hardwood forests in the United States provide domestic and international consumers with much of the world’s highest quality wood products.  Despite the constant demand for our hardwoods, good forestry practices have created healthy and diverse hardwood forests across the eastern US, and according to the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) “every two minutes, the U.S. hardwood forest grows by the size of a football field.”  FORECON is grateful to be part of that professional forestry community that conserves and improves our valuable forests across the decades.

The AHEC has developed an interesting interactive map that uses “published U.S. Forest Service data to show national and regional distribution, growth and removal information for most of the main commercial American hardwood species.”

Explore hardwood volumes, growth additions, and harvest removal levels by both species and geography:


For over 25 years the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) has been at the forefront of international wood promotion, successfully building a distinctive and creative brand for U.S. hardwoods. AHEC’s global program secures a future for American hardwoods by demonstrating the performance and aesthetic potential of these sustainable materials, while providing valuable creative inspiration and technical assistance.


From Washington, DC and six overseas offices, strategically located in key hardwood markets, AHEC conducts a worldwide non-profit promotion program with activities in more than 35 countries. All programs are run though the joint efforts of the U.S. hardwood industry and the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and they aim to give members the sharp competitive edge needed to meet the growing worldwide demand for American hardwood products.


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