Forestry for Private Landowners
Although investing in timberland is certainly not a new concept, savvy investors realize that the trees in their own backyard serve as a good alternative investment, or compliment to the other investments. Forestry for private landowners is just wise management. You may have many reasons to reconsider your timberland from an investment point-of-view. First, there is the value appreciation of both the timber and the land components. Then there are also periodic cash returns from the sale of timber and land. and finally, there is the potential for annual lease income from other natural resources and recreation.
Investing in timberland offers a good means of portfolio diversification and as a hedge against inflation. Timberland is also a “hard” (physical) asset with a limited supply. There is a great deal of satisfaction in owning undeveloped land with numerous outdoor opportunities including hiking, camping, hunting, fishing and jogging. There are also income and estate tax advantages to owning real estate.
Timberland investments offer many opportunities for appreciation in value. FORECON’s professional foresters help private landowners realize superior investment returns through the life of their ownership.