FORECON's Travis Cunningham (Staff Forester)

FORECON’s Travis Cunningham (Staff Forester)

On Wednesday, August 14th, several FORECON employees hosted a field tour for the Society of American Foresters (SAF) Plateau Chapter in northeastern Pennsylvania.  Brock Sanner (Director of Land Management Services) and Travis Cunningham (Staff Forester) provided participants with an overview of commercial crop-tree release management on property owned by Forest Investment Associates (FIA), one of our TIMO clients.  Brock and Travis, along with Mike McEntire (FIA’s Regional Investment Forester), discussed management operations including stand/site assessment techniques, treatment layout, growth analysis and plot monitoring while visiting an active crop-tree release site.

It’s always good to disseminate information and new management techniques to the forest industry and general public, and FORECON has been participating in educational events across its operating regions for decades.  We appreciate being invited by the SAF Plateau Chapter and want to thank Brock and Travis for their excellent presentations!

As always, if you have timber you may be interested in selling, and want a long-standing professional forestry firm representing your best interests in the process, please don’t hesitate to call any of our FORECON offices.  Our foresters would be very happy to speak with you about the markets, and more importantly, your goals and objectives for your land.

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