In early February, the Forest Landowner’s Association (FLA) held its annual Board of Directors meeting in Washington, DC to discuss plans, policies and progress the FLA has made in promoting the needs of private forest landowners throughout the United States. During our stay in DC, we also take the time to meet with various Representatives and Senators to discuss the issues that affect their constituents and provide them with expert advice on how to best meet their needs.
Below is a picture taken after a meeting with Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina, who is a proponent of private property rights and sympathetic to the challenges of forest landowners across the country. John Gifford from FORECON (second from right) currently serves on the Board of Directors of the FLA, as well as on the Executive Committee and in the capacity of the FLA’s Budget and Finance Committee Chairman.
The Forest Landowners Association is the “leading advocate for the rights of private forest owners in the United States,” and promotes landowner causes regardless of size, corporate structure, location, certification status, or tax classification. Members range from small landowners with less than 100 acres to the largest TIMOs and REITs. All FLA members are interested in forest management; laws and regulations; and engaging Congress to encourage sensible and practical legislation. For more information about the FLA, please visit their website: