Photo Credit: Beth Ace
As always, if you have timber you may be interested in selling, and want a long-standing professional forestry firm representing your best interests in […]
Gorgeous pic of woodland scene from a northwestern PA client property.
Photo Credit: Beth Ace
As always, if you have timber you may be interested in selling, and want […]
Ganoderma applanatum, A.K.A. artist’s bracket. This is a saprophytic fungus, which means it helps recycle dead wood back into the soil.
(photo credit: FORECON Forestry Technician, […]
It is hard to feel like Friday the 13th is an unlucky day when it starts like this!
(photo credit: FORECON Forest Technician, Beth Ace)
Just part of the commute in northern PA! I’m so grateful to be able to experience the beauty of this area every day! #NorthernPA #BeautifulScenery #Commute
A view from the tailgate, while one of our forest reconnaissance specialists approaches the forestry team for a debrief.
(photo credit: FORECON Forest Technician, Beth Ace)
Leratiomyces-squamosus-var-thraustus — Inedible but highly photogenic.
(photo credit: FORECON Forest Technician, Beth Ace)
FORECON’s Titusville forestry crew making their way into a remote worksite as they faithfully serve the conservation and financial stewardship goals of our valuable long-term clients.