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Impacts of Invasives

A multi-part series highlighting invasive species and their impacts

What’s the White Stuff on Hemlock Branches and Needles?


FORECON has been on the forefront of Hemlock Wooly Adelgid suppression since 2014, treating multiple thousands of trees from the Finger Lakes region all the way to Allegheny National Forest in northwestern Pennsylvania.

What’s the White Stuff on Hemlock Branches and Needles?2019-06-05T01:08:20+00:00

Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii)


Japanese Barberry was introduced to the United States in 1875 from Russia at the Arnold Arboretum, and became known to naturalize in pastures and roadsides as early as 1910. However, once established, barberry negatively impacts both ecosystems and public health.

Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii)2019-04-24T13:16:14+00:00
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