Quietly measuring standing timber in the highlands of western Pennsylvania, Mike White froze as he heard brush cracking just feet from his working position. Multiple loud crashes, one right after the other, grabbed his attention and arrested his forestry work. Like St. Nick’s team “as they drove out of site,” Mike witnessed a rush of PA Elk rushing past him with a force of nature befitting a team on a mission. Mike’s heart pounding faster, and his phone in hand, he captured this fleeting glimpse of the West PA treasure of North American Elk. As quickly as he heard the first twigs snapping, the massive gang of 400lb Elk was gone.
FORECON, Inc. foresters and property technicians are in the field much of their day. Duties range from invasive species management, tree marking for timber sales, and land surveys for property appraisals, among other tasks. Many days bushwhacking through brush and blow-down can be taxing on even the most fit of forest workers. But, they’re not sitting at a desk, and most love every minute of their engagements. But days like these are among the most rewarding. Thanks, Mike, for the quick thinking camera work, and the presence of mind to stay safe and share your exciting time in the woods.
To learn more about the interesting history of Elk in the Northeastern U.S., please visit these helpful sites: