Small, Large, Private & Public— We Serve a Variety of Landowners

FORECON takes great pride in being “full service” forestry consultants, providing a diverse group of landowners with the convenience of “one-stop” shopping when it comes to meeting your forestry management needs. We manage hundreds of thousands of acres of prime timberlands throughout New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Our clientele consists of small private non-industrial landowners, TIMO and institutional investors, commercial forest products companies, and public municipalities.

TIMO & Institutional Investors

FORECON, Inc. helps timberland investments grow. We provide timberland management solutions, tools, research, and on-the-ground experience to help investment managers better leverage their timberland portfolios. TIMOs and Timberland Investment Professionals will appreciate our:


FORECON’s team of trained forestry professionals plays an active role in helping public and private organizations better manage their green-ways. Managing community forests enhances more than just the aesthetics of a grounds, it is an investment with significant future benefits. For the municipal manager and community resource manager we offer:

Private Owners

Investing in timberland offers private landowners a good means of portfolio diversification and as a hedge against inflation. Timberland is a “hard” (physical) asset with a limited supply which allows income and estate tax advantages. There is a great deal of satisfaction in owning undeveloped land. FORECON’s professional foresters help private landowners realize the full spectrum of benefits through the life of their ownership.

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